
Skin out of control

acne is more than skin deep

feeling unclean, embarassed and helpless

while everybody around you seems to have perfect skin

you don’t have to live with it!

Where does Acne come from?

Acne is caused by overproduction of sebum (oil) and dead cells plugging the hair follicles in the skin.  Genetics and hormones are responsible for producing too much sebum and corneal layers.  Within the plugged follicles, bacteria multiply and induce inflammation.  Visible pimples, whiteheads and blackheads appear.  With time, the skin starts to scar, pores become enlarged and a waxy complexion appears.

common mistakes

Undertreating:  doing nothing

persistence of pimples over years

formation of scars that will stay forever

giving an impression of neglecting hygiene

Overtreating: doing everything all the time

too many irritating products

covering the skin with make up

too much peeling and scrubbing

dehydrating the skin 


nutrition plays an important role

smoking increases acne

not enough sport and outside activities

solution: the skin garden

Step I:  deep, deep cleaning

Hydra Care removes sebum and dead cells, unplugging the follicles.

Natural cleaning solutions remove bacteria and reduce inflammation.

it feels really nice, to be clean

Hydra Care

with locally manufactured natural solutions

Step II: activate your stem cells

Microneedling heals your skin!

Tiny punctures stimulate your stem cells,

grow new skin cells and reduce pores

Microneedling: the power of fine skin

Step III: nurture your skin garden

what do you eat?

do you have enough vitamins and proteins? what about sports?

Maybe your gut microbioma causes problems…


can change your life!




Münsterhof 13

8001 Zürich

+41 44 272 18 72



Florastrasse 14

8800 Thalwil

+ 41 44 720 71 71

stem cell therapy for natural beauty with activated own stem cells. Follow the cycle of hydra care, mesotherapie, microneedling, prp and nanofat and stimulate your own stem cell garden.